Pick up service is available in Port Jervis, please call for more information. Limitations apply, please call for more info.ADDITIONAL DRIVER POLICY
$3 per day additional driver - Spouse no chargeAFTER HOURS RETURN
Drop Box available for after hour returns, charges will continue until vehicle is checked in the following day.RENTAL COVERAGES
CDW is either $9 per day for vehicles MSR less than $30,000 or $12 per day for vehicles with an MSRP of greater than $30,000 per day, inquire for details.RENTAL RESTRICTIONS
No one way rentals.FINANCIAL POLICIES
All major credit and bank issued debit cards accepted, prepaid debit cards are NOT accepted. No cash accepted. Please Note - Renters driving into New York City will have their deposit held for 30 days from their date of return due to delays. This is due to the length of time required for violation notifications from New York City.
Deposit ranges from $250-$500 based on form of payment, insurance and other qualifications.REFUELING POLICIES
Vehicles should be returned with the same amount of fuel as they had at the time of rental. If returned low, additional fuel will be charged at $5 per gallon plus the current per gallon price.RENTER QUALIFICATIONS
Valid drivers license is required. Renters age 18 and over are accepted, additional fees apply for under 25 year old renters. Deposit ranges from $250-$500 based on form of payment, insurance and other qualifications.OTHER POLICIES
Vehicles returned excessively dirty or smoked in will be charged up to a $300 cleaning fee.